Case and I went to LA to visit Casey's brother's family this weekend. I had a panicked morning on Saturday because I slept through my alarm and missed my flight. I had exactly 30 minutes to shower, pack, and get out the door in order to make the next flight. I was about halfway to the airport when I realized I didn't have my wedding ring. I always take it off when I shower so I just figured I had forgot to put it back on in my rushing. I hated not having it while away but I felt confident it was on the bathroom counter waiting for me.....It was not. When I got home today I decided to take a little nap. I had completely forgotten about my ring. I woke up to Casey calling and needing me to pick him up from work. I hadn't brushed my hair yet for the day so I went to the bathroom to freshen up and realized "oh yeah my ring I should put that back on" I got a bit panicky when it was no where to be found. I tore the bathroom apart looking for it while having nightmares that it had fallen down the drain or I had flushed it down the toilet. I said a little prayer to calm down and did a quick sweep of the house one more time....No Ring! I started bawling and called Casey in hysterics ( He probably thought someone had died) He assured me we would find it and that it would be ok. I had this feeling I should check the bedroom again. I decided I might as well pull all the bedding off just to say I'd been thorough and there it was! Lying under all of the covers in the middle of the bed! How'd it get there? Not a clue. Does anybody else have a story of losing their wedding ring to make me feel better about being such an idiot? If so I'd love to hear about!