Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh So Tired

Ashlee had such a cute post on her blog that I am copying it because I truly get so tired of certain things. I also added a positive list because my life is filled with wonderful things as well.

What I am tired of.....

People calling me Ma'am on the airplane...What am I like 60?

Coming up with new ideas for dinner. (I've been married for under two months. I'm in trouble if this is already a problem!)

Always wanting to eat things that are bad for me. i.e. pizza, cookies, chocolate, candy! Why can't I just crave an apple for heavens sake!

Three inch roots that are the color of mud when the rest of my hair is like golden straw....I really miss you Julie. Come back from vacation already! My hair needs you. ;)

Not having DVR. Oh how I miss not having to watch commercials.

Being so stinking far away from all of my girls from high school. I love you and miss you all!

Landlords who think they can come into our place any old time for whatever reason. Creepy!

Being told my shoes are non compliant. I tell you SkyWest Management needs to get a life!

Things that I will never tire of....

My husband's appreciation for shows like Felicity and 90210.

The smell of fresh warm laundry.

Clean sheets.

My softest ever pillows.

The sound of babies laughing...Probably one of my all time favorite sounds. It's contagious.

Getting dressed up in a crazy costume for halloween.

BYU football season.

Wearing new clothes for the first time.

A great pair of jeans that fit my body amazing!

Laughing with my husband.

Making someone I don't know smile.


Tonya said...

Cute! Even though you're far away from your HS friends, at least you're close to me! ha ha, well at least I am REALLY happy that you're close. I'm so bummed this weekend didn't work out. Let me know when you guys are free and we'll hang out! Usually I can get someone to babysit in advance, for movies and that, otherwise Luke tags along with us. Call me!

jen said...

I love it! Good luck with dinner ideas. I have about a zillion cooking magazines, but most of the time we end up grilled cheese or something totally lame. If I find something nice, I'll pass it along.

Andrea said...

nice way to balance out the tired with the not tired!

Sally said...

So much like me! I miss you! How are you?

The Martin's said...

Hope things are going good for you guys. We have a wedding present for you so if you know someone coming down or going up let us know. Love ya

Aimee Sommer said...

so i meant to comment on this way earlier but forgot I have 2 awesome websites that have tons of recipes and a calander thing that you can put in what your gonna make and it lets you print the list for that week.. one is and the other is on the left hand side it will say our recipes.. really easy and yummy