You can buy TAZO brand tea at most grocery stores. It regularly costs around $3.50 a box. I found it on sale at Target for $2.47 for 20 filter bags. For the lemonade I just use bottled lemon juice ie: Real Lemon ( I use the WalMart brand which is $1.68 for 32 fluid oz.) You can get 63 TBLS out of 1 32 oz bottle.
First I take 6 oz of H2O and heat it in the microwave for 90 seconds.
Next I take 1 tea bag add it to the water and let it steep for 2-3 minutes.
While the tea is steeping I measure 10 0z of H2O, 4TBLS of lemon juice, and 4TBLS sugar ( you can also use Splenda) and mix them together in a 20 0z cup.
After tea is steeped I discard the tea bag and mix the tea with the lemon sugar mixture stirring well to dissolve the sugar.
Finally I add ice to the top of the cup and stir again.
It tastes just as delicious as Starbucks and it costs approximately $0.25 to make.
Tip: If you like really tart lemonade instead of using equal parts lemon juice and sugar just add more lemon juice. Enjoy!!!